Heraclius Questions Muhammad's Prophethood

Abu Sufyan bin Harb was one of the most powerful men in Mecca. After the Battle of Badr, he became leader of the Quraish, and was husband to the famous Hind bint Utbah, who ordered her Ethiopian slave to kill the Prophet’s Uncle Hamza at the Battle of Uhud. He was a fervent opponent of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), though freely converted to Islam after the peaceful conquest of Mecca. A tale...

Miracles of the Last Prophet

THE HOLY QURAN : Verses of Revelation and High Rhetoric The Holy Quran is neither poetry, nor a work of prose with rhymes. It is on it's own as an unprecedented and divine text. For this reason, the Arabs were awestruck by the Quran since such a written work was unprecedented; they were left with no other choice but to claim that the Quran was magic. To date, poets and men of letters have been am...

The Foundation of the Principles Brought by Our Prophet: Revival

When Allah the Almighty sent our Prophet to the polytheists  of Mecca for the purpose of a divine calling, his first message was to be that Allah is the only deity and that human beings, following death, would be resurrected and brought before Him (s.w.t.) Despite the fact that the polytheists were idolators, they believed in Allah. However, they denied resurrection and the Afterlife. And today, ...

Prophet Abraham

In the Quran Abraham's name is mentioned 69 times. Prophet Abraham is one of the ulu'l azm prophets (great prophets) mentioned in the Quran. There is more information about Prophet Abraham than about most other prophets in the Torah, in Jewish literature in general, in Christian literature, in the Quran, and in Islamic literature; Prophet Abraham is seen as a forefather by Jews, Christians and Mu...

Orientalist Views of the Prophet Muhammad

Orientalism is the "scientific discipline" that deals with the material and spiritual culture of the East, as well as the history and languages of the region; these studies reach back to the beginning of history and follow their development through modern times. The ‘Orientalist' is a person who studies the East, practicing this ‘science'. The emergence of Orientalism as an academic discipline go...

The Prophet in God's Own Words

Prophet Muhammad in the Qur'an An exclusive project of Lastprophet.info marking the occasion of the Mawlid –Prophet Muhammad’s birth – three Qaris, or reciters of the Qur’an, Hüseyin Orhan, Halil Necipoğlu, and Ibrahim Helalşah respectively recite in Arabic the Qur’anic verses describing Prophet Muhammad. The English translation of these verses is read by Andy Boyns. The three different reciters...

Prayers of the Prophets in the Qur'an

Prayers of the Prophets A Lastprophet.info compilation of the Qur’anic verses presenting the personal supplications of the Prophets. Prayers include those of Prophets Solomon, Jonah, Adam, Abraham, Ishmael, Zachariah and Muhammad, upon them all be peace. The following are the prayers in the original Qur'anic text as well as in their English translations:   1 / The Distinction, 25:74 "Our Lord! ...

Journey of love

Formal prayer has an end, but the prayer of the soul is unlimited. It is the drowning of the soul in universal love. This journey of love and devotion forms the foundation of the Sufi experience. It demonstrates that through God's grace, it is possible for those who are pure to journey to the Divine. All through history, Muslim scholars have discussed whether the Ascension was of a physical ...

Prophethood and the Prophet Muhammad in Divine Religions

Divine religion is the name of “the system of laws imposed by Allah,” and the sole religion in the world today that protects its quality as a “divine religion” is Islam. As Judaism and Christianity were unable to protect their original identities for various reasons, they became “corrupted religions.” The word peygamber (messenger) means “bearer of news” in Farsi. The terms “nabi” and “rasul” are...

How is Prophet Muhammad Introduced in the Qur’an?

The Qur’an instructs and guides us in every aspect of life. Lastprophet.info introduces us to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and informs us of his characteristics. In this article, we will be examining ten of the Prophet’s characteristics mentioned in the Qur’an: 1- Prophet Muhammad is the Last Messenger and Last Prophet “I am like the last brick (of an excellent structure that ha...

The Last Days of the Prophet

Prophet Muhammad became ill after he had returned to Medina from the Farewell Pilgrimage. During these days, he visited the martyrs of Uhud and performed their funeral prayers. One night, he went to the Jannat al-Baqi graveyard and prayed to God for their forgiveness. Meanwhile, Aswad al-Ansi from the Mazhij tribe proclaimed his false prophethood in Yemen. Aswad marched through Sana'a with about ...

The real date of the Prophet's death

  Question: It is known that our Prophet's date of birth is 571 A.D. He is known to have lived for 63 years. Thus, his year of death, which is known to be 632, means that he spent less than 63 years on this earth. What is the reason for this? What is the real year of the death of Prophet Muhammad? Answer (Theologian Nimet Yılmaz): There are different narrations about the date of the birth of our ...