The Prophet's Mosque │ Masjid Al-Nabawi

Construction of the Mosque When the Prophet emigrated from Makka to Madina, one of the first things he did was to construct a mosque there. One of the first buildings ever constructed by the Prophet himself, the Mosque of the Prophet was always at the center of all the Prophet’s activities in Madina. At the same time, it has served as an example to most subsequent mosques and masjids built in Is...

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Prophet's Mosque

9 Things You Didn’t Know About The Prophet’s Mosque   Seeing a scene of impeccable beauty, we often hear the term “Heaven on Earth!” But there is only one place that literally has the right to proclaim itself heaven on Earth. There, deep in the mosque of the Prophet (Sal Allahu alayhi wa Salaam, Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (known as al-masjid Nabawi), covered by green carpets and th...

A view of Mecca from the heavens

  To view aerial photographer Orhan Durgut's gallery of the two holy cities, Mecca and Medina, please click here.

Mosques Of The World and is in the process of launching a children’s website to familiarize children with Prophet Muhammad and the beautiful religion of Islam. This particular section features a list of mosques from around the world, from the great mosque of Cordoba to Egypt’s Amr Ibn al-‘As. This interactive website is expected to be up and running by July 2011, insha’Allah. Plea...

The Qur'anic Verses in Masjid al-Haram and Masjid al-Nabawi

The Islamic tradition of decorating different works of art, including first and foremost historical buildings, with verses from the Qur'an has an important place in Islamic culture. As in literary works, quotations from the Qur'an, hadith (Prophetic Traditions) and from the sayings of wise men are included in works of art, with the idea that such quotations add to the value of a work of art by co...

Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock

The Al-Aqsa Mosque... the home of prophets, the first kiblah of Muslims and the symbolic stopover of the Miraj journey that is a place of worship...This place of worship which is one of the lasting symbols in our minds has unfortunately been mistaken with the Qubbat-us Sakhra (The Mosque of Omar) which is located right beside it.  The magnificent golden yellow dome of the Qubbat us Sakhra has...

The First Kibla of Muslims: Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the first kiblah (direction that is prayed to) of Muslims and one of the three places of worship considered most sacred. In Aramaic, the Al-Aqsa Mosque is referred to as Beth Makdesha, in Hebrew Beth Ha-Miqdash and Arabic Bait-ul Maqdis, meaning "Sacred house." These names have remained with it since its establishment was later used to encompass the entire city. The name Al...