The Fox Came Out One Day

Ahmed Shawqi (1868 – 1932) was an Egyptian writer crowned as ‘The Prince of Poets’ (Amir al-Sho’araa’) by his contemporaries. Among his plays, prose, and poetry, which include ‘The Way of the Mantle’ (Nahj al-Burda), a tribute to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), are a number of short poems about the lives of animals. The following selection comes courtesy of ...

The Animals and the Ark

Ahmed Shawqi (1868 – 1932) was an Egyptian writer crowned as ‘The Prince of Poets’ (Amir al-Sho’araa’) by his contemporaries. Among his plays, prose, and poetry, which include ‘The Way of the Mantle’ (Nahj al-Burda), a tribute to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), are a number of short poems about the lives of animals. The following selection comes courtesy of Joe Bradford, who has skillfully rendered ...

On Praising the Prophet

  On Praising the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)  by Mas'ud Ahmed Khan In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. This was an essay I wrote for the CD sleeve notes to Inayat Petker's "Salutions" Album by Meem Music back in 2004 Allah (ta'ala) says in the Glorious Qur'an (Surah 33:56): "Surely Allah and His angels bless the Prophet; O you who believe call for...

Poem by Chinese Emperor Hong-Wu praising the Prophet

Hong-Wu (also known by his given name Zhū Yuánzhāng) was the Emperor of China between 1368 – 1398 CE. He was the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, leading an Army that conquered the country and defeated away the Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty. Despite being a non-Muslim, Hong-Wu ordered the construction of several mosques in Nanjing, Yunnan, Guangdong and Fujian. He rebuilt the Jinjue Mosque in Nanjing...

The Perfect Moon-Faced One

The Perfect Moon-Faced One The perfect moon-faced one appears with perfect lips and bow-like eyebrows. His hair is braided behind his ears and this pure appearance of his arouses our trust that unity will thrive and we'll be taken to One Presence now that we find ourselves alive in this world that is far less dense than that of actions was before when one thing made another happen - here we...

Everyone Had Set Out

Everyone Had Set Out     Everyone had set out on the journey to Allah, the historical records are complete         down to the last detail. Some of them died of thirst in a dry place, some of them drowned in the abundance that splashed   its fruity suds in excess             in this unique un...

Miracle of Sound at the Ka'ba

Miracle of Sound at the Ka'ba     What sounds are heard around God's House? First, utter silence, silence within silence. Then                     its echo,                 more silent still. A silence that sit...

The Miracle Of Pain

Now, you can listen to Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore's poems from his own voice. Moore has been writing poetry since 1964. Although he stopped writing for ten years after becoming a Muslim in 1970 he resumed writing poetry in 1980 and has published many books since.  The Miracle Of Pain     With blisters the size of Brazil and headaches the size of Manhattan - why is spiritual ...

Tiny Spider on a Leaf

Now, you can listen to Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore's poems from his own voice. Moore has been writing poetry since 1964. Although he stopped writing for ten years after becoming a Muslim in 1970 he resumed writing poetry in 1980 and has published many books since.  Tiny Spider on a Leaf     The tiny spider on a leaf knows you as he finds relief from patient hunger winding spr...

Letter To Mankind

Now, you can listen to Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore's poems from his own voice. Moore has been writing poetry since 1964. Although he stopped writing for ten years after becoming a Muslim in 1970 he resumed writing poetry in 1980 and has published many books since.    Letter To Mankind    

Sparrow on the Prophet's Tomb

Sparrow on the Prophet's Tomb O sparrow perched on a corner of the    Prophet's tomb cheeping above thousands of bowed heads murmuring, whose glassy chirps hit high notes of    purity under the eaves in this      Mosque of God's Messenger that resides in two territories of space - this world seen, the next world   &...

Light of the Shadowless One

Now, you can listen to Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore's poems from his own voice. Moore has been writing poetry since 1964. Although he stopped writing for ten years after becoming a Muslim in 1970 he resumed writing poetry in 1980 and has published many books since.  Light The Shadowless One When an object casts no shadow, what does it mean? That its light is over all other lights &nbs...