Aisha, the Mother of the Believers and Teacher of Scholars

The wise mother of believers and the leader of knowledgeable women: ‘A’isha (radhi Allahu anha, may Allah be pleased with her). According to the Qur’an, the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) are the umm ul-muqminin or mothers of the believers, a position with important responsibilities. ‘A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) holds a unique place among the wives of the P...

The Wives of the Prophet

In Arabic, the phrase Azwaj-i-Tahirat means “the pure wives” and refers to the women to whom Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was married. Although the Prophet was married to only one woman during the Meccan period, he married others afterwards for a variety of religious, social, economic or moral reasons. The Quran characterizes the wives of the Prophet as the “Mothers of Believers”: “The Prophet is clo...

Love Like a Knot

Prophet Muhammad is an example for people of every social status and walk of life. Spouses leading a family life with their wives and children can also gather a great deal of lessons and examples from his life. The Prophet received with patience and a warm disposition any possible jealousy, rivalry, and trying behavior coming from his wives. He never resorted to reproach or violence. He treated h...

At What Age did Aisha Marry the Prophet?

When covering the life of Prophet Muhammad, one of the most debatable topics is that of the age of his wife Aisha when the two married. Her alleged very young age has been used in smear campaigns against the Prophet. Reports that Aisha bint Abi Bakr was 6 or 7 years old when she became engaged and 10 when she married [1] have been the most basic factor in the formation of the view regarding her...

A Portrait of Umm Habiba – A Mother of the Believers

Given the name Ramlah at birth, she was known as Umm Habibah due to the name of her first child. She was the daughter of Abu Sufyan, a member of Banu Umayyah, one of the most important tribes of Mecca. Her mother was Safiyya, daughter of Abu’l-As from the same clan. This woman was also the paternal aunt of Uthman (r.a.). Her first marriage was to Ubaydullah b. Jahsh, the son of the Holy Pro...

Marriage Age of Aisha

Question: Most sources indicate that Aisha was only 9 years old when the Prophet married her. How would you explain this situation? Answer (Meral Günel – Theologian): Aisha got married to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) before the Hijra, but their actual conjugal life started 2 years after the Hijra. When her birthday is taken into consideration, it can be deduced that she was 9–10 years old at the time ...

Zaynab's marriage to Prophet Muhammad

Muhammad Asad (d. 1992) and Suleyman Ates state that our Prophet's aim in this marriage was to put into practice the new ruling on the divorced wives of adopted children in addition to fulfilling a moral obligation through honoring Zaynab, who had been unwillingly forced to marry Zayd. Furthermore, Ates, speaking on this marriage, noted that another purpose of the marriage was to prove that the n...

Zaynab bint Jahsh: Wife of the Prophet and Mother of the Believe

Zaynab was born in the year 588 Hijri and she married Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the fifth year of Hijra. Zaynab, who was given the title "Umm-ul Hakam," is among the first female companions of the Prophet to have migrated to Medina. Zaynab bint Jahsh is the daughter of Umayya bint Abdulmuttalib, the paternal aunt of Rasulallah. Her real name is "Barra" and the name Zaynab was given to her by Ras...