When Were "Candle Nights" First Celebrated?

The Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) birthday, Raghaib, Mi‘raj, The Night of Salvation (Bara'a) and the Night of Power are special nights celebrated and considered to be holy by Muslims. Because these nights were first celebrated during the reign of the Ottoman sultan, Selim II (1566-1574), by illuminating the mosques with candles on the minarets, these nights were called "candle nights." Thedates of cel...


In the Quran there are two hundred verses related to supplication. Fatiha, the first surah of the Quran, carries the special property of being a supplication taught personally by Allah to His servants. In this surah Almighty Allah has shown his servant how it is necessary to pray. According to this, it is necessary to first glorify Allah and remember Him with praise. Then, spiritual requests fo...

History of the Sacred Trusts

Understanding in Christianity and in the Societies before Islam Almost all members of all religious, from those accepted as a primitive to those based on divine inspirations, give importance to the remembrance belongings concerning to past. Members of some religious have great respect that closes to adoration degree, to these belongings. On the other hand, some members of other religious believe...

The First Kibla of Muslims: Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the first kiblah (direction that is prayed to) of Muslims and one of the three places of worship considered most sacred. In Aramaic, the Al-Aqsa Mosque is referred to as Beth Makdesha, in Hebrew Beth Ha-Miqdash and Arabic Bait-ul Maqdis, meaning "Sacred house." These names have remained with it since its establishment was later used to encompass the entire city. The name Al...