The Martyred Caliph: Uthman (ra)

Uthman (r.a) was born in Mecca 47 years before the Hijra (Migration to Medina). His father Affan b. Abi’l-As was one of the leading men of the Banu Umayya clan of the Quraysh tribe, and he also counted among the wealthiest men of the city. A merchant by profession like his father, Uthman (r.a.) became one of the wealthy men of his tribe at a young age. Uthman (r.a.) became Muslim thanks to the s...

Umar (r.a) : A Leader Crowned with Truth and Justice

The caliphate of Umar (r.a), which spanned the ten years between 634 AD (12 Hijri) and 644 AD (22 Hijri), is regarded as one of the most exemplary, exceptional and idealized periods in Islamic history. His most important quality, which also made him so dear to everyone’s hearts, was doubtless his understanding of leadership and his exacting sense of justice. When he had just assumed the title of...

The Young Martyr of Uhud: The Companion Mus’ab bin Umayr (ra)

When he saw Mus’ab walking around in Medina in patched clothes, The Prophet (saw) said: “Glory be to God, this is the young man who used to live in luxury in Mecca, but whose love for God and His Messenger and whose love for piety made him turn his back on all worldly comfort.” Mus’ab bin Umayr (ra) came from the Abd ad-Daar branch of the Quraysh tribe, and his family was among the most prominen...

The Lion of God, the Martyr of Uhud: Hamza (ra)

With his public acceptance of Islam, the few Muslims who were left behind in Mecca after the Ethiopian immigration became heartened and empowered. Hamza’s entrance into the ranks of the Muslims also frustrated the polytheists’ hostile schemes and ambitions against the believers to a certain extent. Hamza (ra) was born in 570, one year before the Prophet (saw), in Mecca. His father is Abd al-Mutt...

Anas bin Malik (ra): The Devoted Servant of the Prophet (saw)

Anas bin Malik (ra) was born in Medina ten years before the Hijra (Immigration). His family belonged to the Najjar clan of the tribe of Hazraj, which was one of the two leading tribes of Medina. Known with the nickname Abu Hamza, he also gained fame as “the Servant of the Prophet,” since he was a close personal attendant to the Messenger of God (saw) for around ten years. The sources narrate tha...

Aisha, the Mother of the Believers and Teacher of Scholars

The wise mother of believers and the leader of knowledgeable women: ‘A’isha (radhi Allahu anha, may Allah be pleased with her). According to the Qur’an, the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) are the umm ul-muqminin or mothers of the believers, a position with important responsibilities. ‘A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) holds a unique place among the wives of the P...

Martyrdom of Our Master Husayn

Ihsanica allows fair use republication for non-profit (like Last Prophet) educational purposes. LastProphet strongly recommends that those who are interested in this subject read the full article from Ihsanica.On Husayn's StatusThe Messenger of Allah (Sal Allahu alayhi wa Salaam, or Allah's Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) said, “Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn. May Allah...

Abu Hurairah

He is affiliated with the Daws branch of Azd tribe, yet his date of birth is not known. During the period of Ignorance, his name was recorded in various forms as Abd Shams, Abd Amr, Sukain, Amr b. Abd Ghanm. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) changed his name to Abdurrahman or Abdullah. The most common account as to how he acquired the name "Abu Hurairah" was that he would put kittens in his shirttail g...

The Relationship of the Companions and Prophet Muhammad in the Q

The Companions, who were the first to receive the Quran when it was revealed in the 7th century, were examples, like the Prophet, both in behavior and practice for those who would come after them due to their sincere affiliation with him. However, this becoming an "example" occurred after a period of education that ran parallel with the gradual revelation of Quranic verses. When the relationship...


Fatima, who was raised and educated by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), acquired from him both such personal characteristics of his such as modesty and decency on the one hand, and his physical qualities such as the way he walked and spoke, on the other. She adopted her father's life style and lived a simple life just like him. One day when Fatima was tired of grinding flour by hand and her husband ...

Companions Promised Paradise (Ashara Mubashara)

One of the goals believers want to reach is entering paradise, because the Quran commands people to race to enter paradise. "Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous" (Al-i Imran 3/133). Who has gained Paradise will be apparent in the afterlife, but Allah promised it to the...

The Wives of the Prophet

In Arabic, the phrase Azwaj-i-Tahirat means “the pure wives” and refers to the women to whom Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was married. Although the Prophet was married to only one woman during the Meccan period, he married others afterwards for a variety of religious, social, economic or moral reasons. The Quran characterizes the wives of the Prophet as the “Mothers of Believers”: “The Prophet is clo...