Violence Against Women is Betrayal to Islam

The fact that “man” referred to “human” throughout history and woman is considered a second category has been one of the greatest tests of our adventure on earth. One of the significant functions of revelation is to eliminate inequalities and discriminations and to declare equality of man and woman in humanity. While in Muslim countries hundreds of women are killed every year, young girls are ha...

The Day of Ashura

The Day of Āshūrā, the tenth of Muḥarram, is an auspicious day. It has been narrated that it was the day on which Allah forgave our father Ādam, the day on which the Ark of Nūḥ came to rest on the mountain known as al-Jūdī after six months at sea, and the day on which Allah forgave the people of Yūnus (peace be upon him and all the Prophets). When the Messenger of Allah came to al-Madīnah, he fo...

Guardians Of The Natural Order

God originated humankind within his Creation, which He also originated. Humanity is then inescapably subject to God's immutable laws, as is the rest of creation. Creation cannot be changed: global warming can be seen, in this light, as the Earth's endeavor to maintain a balance in the face of the human assault against it. In our eagerness to 'progress' and 'develop' we have lost sight of the fin...

Mosque attacks in Sweden

On Thursday December 25, 2014 - Christmas Day - an arson attack was carried out on a mosque in Eskilstuna, Sweden, while a group of Muslims were gathered inside for prayer, injuring five people. The Expo Foundation, a Swedish non-profit co-founded by writer Stieg Larsson that raises awareness of discrimination, claims at least 12 mosques were attacked in Sweden this year, and as this article was ...

The Women Carrying the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad

They are in the forefront of not just the Islamic world, but the entire world, including the West. What was the place of women -- who have always been at the center of all religions, political movements and rules placed by philosophies and have become subject to different sets of rules -- in the history of Islam and what place do they hold today? While a majority like to speak of this matter using...

Smile - A Sunnah and a Way of Life

Islam is more than a religion; it is an entire way of life. It teaches us how to behave from morning until night and it even tells us the best position to sleep in. To some that might sound like 24 hours a day of rules and regulations but the truth is that Islam is such a natural way of life the rules become as easy as breathing. One thing that is as easy as breathing is smiling. That little cur...

The Most Beautiful Names: Asma ul Husna

digg_title = "Asma ul Husna "; var sburl3005 = window.location.href; var sbtitle3005 = document.title; "To gain everything except Allah is to gain nothing at all."* Asma ul Husna The essential name of the Almighty Creator, which is confirmed by the religion of Islam, "Allah" has no dictionary meaning. With the exception of this name, all other...

We Borrow This World From Our Children

We are born into an established world, but we enter a relationship with our natural environment with an awareness produced by social life. We approach our natural environment with a style of behavior and thought that we got from our family and close social circle since our childhood. Consequently, we do not see many things not seen or avoided by our social circle. In spite of there being many th...

The Place of The Karbala Incident in The History of Islam and It

  It would not be appropriate to say that the only reason behind Hussain’s (a.s.) action against the Umayyad government was the invitations of the people of Kufa.    The Iraqis had lost the struggle for power that they had started by supporting Ali (a.s.) against the Syrians that were acting under the leadership of Muawiyah (a.s.). As a result of this, the center of the government, an...

Imam Abu Hanifa on Thinking Good of Your Neighbour

Professor Kamran Riaz narrates a story of how Imam abu Hanifa dealt with questions of faith and belief, telling a story: “A man once came to the learning-circle of Imām Abū Hanīfah (may God have mercy on his soul) and asked the great Imam whether or not his neighbour was a Muslim. He asked the Imam that if his neighbour died, if he had to wash his body, bury him, and pray the janāzah prayer over...

The Blessing of Serving Others

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful and Peace and Prayers upon his beloved Prophet Muhammad and his family. I'm writing this in the tekke of Sandıkçı Şeyh Edhem Efendi (d. 1878) may Allah protect his secret, a saint of the Rifa'i tariqah. A tekke (Turkish), khanqah (Persian), ribat or zawiyah (Arabic) is a permanent building used as place of retreat for those learning a spiritual...

How do you make people feel?

They say that people may forget what they spoke to you about, what they experienced with you, but they will never forget you made them feel. Do we think that when we treat people in a way that makes them feel valuable, that our own value will decrease? And is this why we treat people in such a way that they will feel insufficient, weak, inadequate and helpless? Is our opinion of ourselves so low...