Qatari firm in talks to make Prophet Muhammad film

An epic film about Islam's Prophet Muhammad backed by the producer of The Lord of the Rings and The Matrix is being planned with the aim of "bridging cultures." Filming of the $150-million English-language movie is set to start in 2011 with American Barrie Osborne as its producer, Qatari media company Alnoor Holdings said on Sunday. The film - in which the Prophet would not be depic...

Religious Music Concert in Kazan

The opening reception for, the Russian version of, was held in Kazan, Tataristan on 8th September, 2007. The program also included a Turkish religious music concert led by the Hudai group. To watch the concert, please click.

A Big Opening in Kazan

digg_title = "A BIG ING IN KAZAN"; var sburl1076 = window.location.href; var sbtitle1076 = document.title;Until a year ago everything was just a dream. We had set out to introduce the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in all aspects to the world and respond to publication and attacks against him by means of this age's influential tool, the internet. Instead of being defensive or aggressive while d...

From the Exemplary Life of the Prophet to Muslim Challenges in t

NOTES FROM THE 2007 ISNA CONVENTION This year's ISNA (Islamic Society North America) Convention took place in Rosemont, Illinois in between August 31 and September 3 with the participation of 30.000 Muslims North America. Entitled "Upholding Faith, serving Humanity", the talks in the conference were addressed by some of the leading religious scholars of North America and they were structured aro...