Don't Be Angry; Enter Paradise!

One of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) asked Prophet Muhammad for advice. He asked that the advice be short so that he would be able to remember it. "Don't get angry," said the Prophet. The same Companion repeated his request for some brief advice; each time he received the same answer from the Prophet each time, "Don't get angry!" (Source; Bukhari, A'dab, 76) Anger is a natur...

The House at the Center of Paradise

"...I guarantee a home in the middle of Jannah for the one who abandons lying, even in jest." (Abu Dawood, Adab 7) A lie is an expression of blindness, fear and helplessness in the face of truth. Lies are the foundation on which the building of discord is erected. Why would a person resort to lying? Why would one place a rock on the foundation of a building if the ceiling is buried deep in the gr...