17 - The Emigration (Hijra)
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

After the second Aqabah pledge to Prophet Muhammad, he gave permission to his companions to emigrate (hijrah) to Yathrib.

Friday, November 4, 2011

18 - First Activities in Madina
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

The Emigration constitutes a very important event which allowed Prophet Muhammad to fulfill his duties of Prophethood under more auspicious conditions and which enabled the spread of Islam.

Friday, November 4, 2011

19 - The Battle of Badr
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

The Battle of Badr, alongside the Battle of Uhud and the Battle of the Trench to occur later, constitutes one of the most famous battles in the struggle that Prophet Muhammad pursued against the Makkan polytheists.

Friday, November 4, 2011

20 - The Banu Qaynuqa Campaign
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

At the time when Prophet Muhammad emigrated to Madina, virtually half of the city’s population consisted of Jews from the Banu Nadir, Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Qurayza tribes.

Friday, November 4, 2011

21 - The Battle of Uhud
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

Prophet Muhammad did not want to fight the Quraysh – filled with the hatred and animosity of the Age of Ignorance and wanting to avenge Badr – outside Madina. However, upon the insistence of some youth who had not participated in Badr and some of the Helpers angered by the enemy forces’ destruction of their fields and orchards, the Prophet decided to set off for Uhud.

Friday, November 4, 2011

22 - The Raj’i Incident
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

Several months after the Battle of Uhud, a delegation from the Adal and al-Qarah tibes came to Madina and, stating that Islam had begun to spread within their tribes, requested that Prophet Muhammad send representatives to them who could teach them how to read the Qur’an and about Islam.

Friday, November 4, 2011

23 - The Bi'r Al-Mauna Disaster
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

A short time after the Raj’i incident (4 Safar/July 625), chief of the Amir ibn Sa'sa' tribe Abu Bara' Amir ibn Malik came to Madina and obtained information about Islam from Prophet Muhammad.

Friday, November 4, 2011

24 - The Banu Nadir Campaign
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

The Banu Nadir was one of the three Jewish tribes in Medina; the people lived in a strong fortresses and they possessed large date fields and were mostly occupied with agriculture.

Friday, November 4, 2011

25 - The Banu Mustaliq Campaign
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

While the Khuda'a tribe, generally speaking, adopted a positive stance towards Islam and Prophet Muhammad, the Banu Mustaliq clan sided with the Quraysh, who were at war with the Muslims, and demonstrated their hostility at every opportunity.

Friday, November 4, 2011

26 - The Ifq Incident
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

When Prophet Muhammad left Madina for the Banu Mustaliq Campaign, he took his wife ‘A’isha with him. On the return to Madina, during preparations to resume the journey after having stopped at a resting place, ‘A’isha noticed that she had dropped the Yemeni agate necklace that her older sister or mother had given to her and retraced her steps in order to find it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

27 - The Battle of the Trench
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

The Battle of the Trench was the last attack of the Quraysh on Medina. The name of this battle comes from the trenches that were dug around Medina to prevent enemy attack.

Friday, November 4, 2011

28 - The Banu Qurayza Campaign
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

After the Banu Qaynuqa and the Banu Nadir’s banishment from the city on account of their violation of the terms of the treaty and their betraying Prophet Muhammad, remaining in Madina were the Banu Qurayza Jews.

Friday, November 4, 2011

29 - The Treaty of Hudaybiya
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

The Treaty of Hudaybiya, initially not viewed as favorable for the Muslims, was in actual fact the greatest political success of Prophet Muhammad, and was confirmed by the Qur’an as such.

Friday, November 4, 2011

30 - Letters of Invitation to Islam
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

Prophet Muhammad sent these letters with the purpose of conveying the message of Islam to many tribal leaders and sometimes even to individuals living in various parts of the Arabian Peninsula.

Friday, November 4, 2011

31 - The Conquest of Khaybar
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

Khaybar, located in the vast valley which stretched from 180 kilometers to Madina’s north and on the road between Madina and Syria, was an important center of trade and agriculture populated by Jews. After the Treaty of Hudabiya, Prophet Muhammad began to take into account the threat that Khaybar posed for the Muslims.

Friday, November 4, 2011

32 - The Battle of Mu'ta
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

Mu’ta is located to the south of Lake Galilee, 50 kilometers from the city of Jerusalem. At the beginning of the eighth year after the Emigration (629 AD), Prophet Muhammad sent Harith ibn 'Umayr with a letter of invitation to Islam to the provincial governor of Busra, under the Byzantine Empire.

Friday, November 4, 2011

33 - The Conquest of Makka
Lastprophet.Info / Seerah - Life Of The Prophet Muhammad (Saw) / Dr Casim Avcı

With the conquest of Makka, the hostility of the Qurayshi polytheists towards Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims came to an end and the obstacles in the way of the spread of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula’s Hijaz region were lifted.

Friday, November 4, 2011

عن أبي هُرَيْرَةَ ـ رضى الله عنه قَالَ:
قَبَّلَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم الْحَسَنَ بْنَ عَلِيٍّ وَعِنْدَهُ الأَقْرَعُ بْنُ حَابِسٍ التَّمِيمِيُّ جَالِسًا‏.‏ فَقَالَ الأَقْرَعُ إِنَّ لِي عَشَرَةً مِنَ الْوَلَدِ مَا قَبَّلْتُ مِنْهُمْ أَحَدًا‏.‏ فَنَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ثُمَّ قَالَ ‏"‏ مَنْ لاَ يَرْحَمُ لاَ يُرْحَمُ ‏"‏‏
God's Messenger kissed Al-Hasan bin Ali (his grandchild) while Al-Aqra' bin Habis At-Tamim was sitting beside him. Al-Aqra said, "I have ten children and I have never kissed anyone of them", God's Messenger cast a look at him and said, "Whoever is not merciful to others will not be treated mercifully." (Bukhari, Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab), 18)


Title: Tracks from Neyzen Sadreddin Özçimi's album, Sufi Rhythms - Sultan-i Ask Artist: Sadreddin Özçimi