Hajj - Jihad Without Conflict
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / İsmail Lütfi Çakan, PhD

A Muslim spends their time, with both their belief and worship, in a continuous and widespread jihad (struggle), thus Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) qualified both the hajj and umrah (greater and lesser pilgrimages) as "jihad without conflict".

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Health and Free Time
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Meral Günel

This hadith focuses our attention on two important blessings which we possess and use selfishly, unaware of their value or destiny...

Friday, November 1, 2013

Don't Be Angry; Enter Paradise!
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Halide Yenen

Anger is a natural, universal and intuitive emotion that human beings have been given as a means of self-defense against threats. When expressed in a healthy fashion, anger can display productive and protective results, yet its uncontrolled use leads to destruction.

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Prophet's Tolerance
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Ismail Hakki Atceken, PhD

Coming the Arabic root samaha, musamaha (tolerance) means to forgive and to pardon. The word hosgoru is used in Turkish and the word tolerance in English. As a term, it is used for understanding and gentle behavior towards everyone, without prejudice...

Friday, June 28, 2013

Eternal Investment
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Prof İ. Hakkı Ünal

Through this Prophetic Tradition, Prophet Muhammad indicates how a person can add value to the wealth they acquire by means of their own effort and which they guard so carefully, adding spiritual value in addition to its material worth.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Is Anger Sweeter than Honey?
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Assoc Prof Huriye Martı

Stating, ““Anger comes from Satan and Satan was created of fire. Water puts out fire, thus when one of you is angry, they should take ritual ablution,” (Abu Dawud, Adab, 3), Prophet Muhammad draws attention to the point that anger is related to Satan.

Friday, March 30, 2012

God and His Messenger Know Best
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Editor

The Companions of Prophet Muhammad, the very first addressees of the Qur’an and the Sunna (the Prophet's way of life, sayings, and confirmations) in Islamic history, refrained from immediately answering questions that were posed to them by Prophet Muhammad.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Freedom From Desires
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Prof. İsmail Lütfi Çakan

“God's Messenger has said, ‘Unless desires are in keeping with the truth that I have brought (Islam), one cannot be a true believer.’”

Friday, January 6, 2012

Taking a humble breather
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Ayse Uçkan

The feeling of comfort, state of relaxation and lack of arrogance one experiences when in the presence of family, friends and those who have espoused good manners as ordered by Allah stem the fact that one believes they will not be misunderstood by these people and will be accepted, no matter what state they are in.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Health and Free Time
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Lastprophet.info

Discussion and exchange of ideas on the following hadith: "There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The House at the Center of Paradise
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Halide Yenen

A lie is an expression of blindness, fear and helplessness in the face of truth. Lies are the foundation on which the building of discord is erected.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Consciousness of Responsibility
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / İsmail Hakkı Ünal

In this hadith, which uses the metaphor of the shepherd and the flock, the importance of the consciousness of responsibility is emphasized; while attributing responsibility to all sane and mature individuals, it is also indicated that other roles, such as being an administrator or the head of a family, carry a greater responsibility due to the obligations connected with such duties.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Do not Delay Good Deeds
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Meral Günel

Islam is centered on time. What Muslims do, including our daily prayers, gains more meaning if it is done on time. Good deeds that are not done in the right place at the right time can lose the meaning and benefit that they are expected to provide.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Express Your Love
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Meral Günel

We can learn where the responsibilities toward our loved ones starts from the story of Mu’adh, a youth who was sent by Prophet Muhammad to Yemen as an administrator. The hadith of the Prophet: "If you love a fellow Muslim let them know" has been forgotten.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Educating Children with the Guidance of the Prophet
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / Meral Günel

This incident had taken place in the Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi, where Prophet Muhammad was checking the distribution of dates that had been collected as zakat (yearly alms). In order to understand the Prophet's reaction to Hasan's action...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pleasing a Believer
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / İsmail Lütfi Çakan, PhD

In the first article of the first chapter of Mishkatu al-Masabih and in the hadith reported by Abu Hurairah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Whoever brings his Muslim brother out of discomfort Allah will bring him out of the discomforts on the Judgment Day."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Superiority and Goodness of a Person
Lastprophet.Info / One Hadith One Comment / İsmail Hakkı Ünal, PhD

This hadith, which contains invaluable awards for one who believes that life does not consist of only this world, is in some ways an explanation of Allah's promise: "O! Allah loses not the wages of the good" (Al-Tauba, 120).

Thursday, March 11, 2010

عن أبي هُرَيْرَةَ ـ رضى الله عنه قَالَ:
قَبَّلَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم الْحَسَنَ بْنَ عَلِيٍّ وَعِنْدَهُ الأَقْرَعُ بْنُ حَابِسٍ التَّمِيمِيُّ جَالِسًا‏.‏ فَقَالَ الأَقْرَعُ إِنَّ لِي عَشَرَةً مِنَ الْوَلَدِ مَا قَبَّلْتُ مِنْهُمْ أَحَدًا‏.‏ فَنَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ثُمَّ قَالَ ‏"‏ مَنْ لاَ يَرْحَمُ لاَ يُرْحَمُ ‏"‏‏
God's Messenger kissed Al-Hasan bin Ali (his grandchild) while Al-Aqra' bin Habis At-Tamim was sitting beside him. Al-Aqra said, "I have ten children and I have never kissed anyone of them", God's Messenger cast a look at him and said, "Whoever is not merciful to others will not be treated mercifully." (Bukhari, Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab), 18)


Title: Tracks from Neyzen Sadreddin Özçimi's album, Sufi Rhythms - Sultan-i Ask Artist: Sadreddin Özçimi